Navigating the Changing Terrain of Organisations

February 27, 2015 Comments Off on Navigating the Changing Terrain of Organisations

Here's an excerpt from my upcoming book. Comments and feedback appreciated: Among all human endeavours, wrote German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, change is the only thing that is immortal. A cursory

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Top 5 Strategies for Changing an Amiable Stakeholder

July 27, 2013 Comments Off on Top 5 Strategies for Changing an Amiable Stakeholder

‘’How easy to be amiable in the midst of happiness and success’’ – William Ellery Channing. Such may easily be said of Sheikh Ahmed, the simple and unassuming CEO of

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Top 5 Strategies for Changing a Driving Stakeholder

July 5, 2013 Comments Off on Top 5 Strategies for Changing a Driving Stakeholder

Aggressive and forceful, Jide is one of those people who loves to play the devil’s advocate. A high-ranking member of the client staff, he has been with the Company for

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Top 5 Strategies for Changing an Analytical Stakeholder

June 28, 2013 Comments Off on Top 5 Strategies for Changing an Analytical Stakeholder

Comfort is a quiet woman in her mid-thirties. When you were introduced to her, your first thoughts were ‘’Cool, reserved and logical.’’ You notice that when she speaks to you,

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Social Styles and Change [1]: An Introduction

June 15, 2013 Comments Off on Social Styles and Change [1]: An Introduction

It’s been a while since I last posted; six months, to be exact. What can I say – A combination of blogger’s block and killer consulting hours. Whether it’s a

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Is there a ”Hard Side” to Change Management?

December 15, 2012 Comments Off on Is there a ”Hard Side” to Change Management?

People tend to regard Change Management as ‘’the softer side’’ of Project Management. Hence, the delivery of Change Management is often challenging due to these misconceptions: Myth 1: Change Management

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How to Collaborate for Effective Change

December 9, 2012 Comments Off on How to Collaborate for Effective Change

‘’If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.’’ Change is never a solo effort. Because organizations are made up of people,

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