Category Change Theory

Getting IT-induced Change Right

Recently, I was referred by my former boss for a role with a client – a manufacturer and a top-3 company in their market niche. The client was having some trouble with an ongoing ERP project. After some discussions with…

In Search of Execution Excellence

Improving the world usually takes extensive research (‘’What should we do?’’), a good strategy (‘’How should we do it?’’) and the support of leadership (‘’Who will approve it?’’). It’s the same formula regardless of whether you want to change a…

Myths and Realities of Change Management

Change management is open to sundry misinterpretations and misconceptions; hence it is important to clarify exactly what it is and what it is not. A study by Accenture (2011) captured the erroneous perceptions many managers have about change management, as…

Benefits of Change Management

The change manager is an enabler; a catalyst; a facilitator of progress. While he is not responsible for the ‘’brick-and-mortar’’ responsibilities on a project, he is at the capstone of any successful project. His overall contribution is ensuring that that the project achieves its stated goals and objectives.

Navigating the Changing Terrain of Organisations

Here’s an excerpt from my upcoming book. Comments and feedback appreciated: Among all human endeavours, wrote German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, change is the only thing that is immortal. A cursory perusal of the headlines of the major business magazines proves…

My Upcoming Book – Managing Change the SIMPLER Way

The book ''Managing Successful Organizational Change Projects - The SIMPLER Way'' is being written out of my interest in the field of change management. I seek to write the book in order to consolidate my knowledge of the topic into a single volume and share this knowledge with other change management practitioners in the field.